STAERK uses PhpDocumentor to produce technical documentation for the project. This requires a well documented project via DocBlocks. This Readme will serve as a quick guide and overview for such. There aren't to much to be aware of, yet some.
STAERK relies heavily on the File level Comment.
- This is a File Summary - It's short and always ends with a dot.
- This is dedicated for a longer Description, expanding several lines.
- Below the Description you'll find Tags. One is crucial for PhpDoc to generate documentation;
- @package MainCategory\SubCategory
- This additional comment, below the File DocBlock, will be used by PhpDoc for a short description in the overview.
class Example
If you don't want a certain comment to be output rendered by PhpDoc, use {@internal}
Method explaination.
{@internal Also beware of this internal note, which will not be rendered}
@return string Expected return of this method
public function someMethod(): string
You can also, if you want to ignore a file completly from the PhpDoc, use the @ignore tag
May also be used on Methods, to only exclude such, and not entire file.
@return void
public function someMethod(): void