STAERK® 2025


is a Web Application/Framework that is easy to expand upon, easy to setup and easy to administrate - And then it gives a site administrator a ton of options out-the-box.

The Framework itself is a well build base where everything is broken down in small generic pieces. It is a 'Object-oriented programming'- build project (OOP) using a 'Model View Controller'- Design Pattern (MVC). It is extremly easy to work with, as you are given a lot from the framework - There's been put foughts into building for and expanding to the STAERK framework.

This universe I'd like to take you through via this Wiki. It will serve as both a technical documentation of the project, along with a more losely description of both functionality and the project in its entirety. Beware though, that the project has limited resources as it's handled by one person having another time consuming job.

Much of this documentation stems from README files (markdown) that has been writting and is included in the STAERK repository. The project is actively being developed and there's an effort to catch up with writing the documentation, though it is a bit sparse as of writing this entry, but never-the-less a technical debt that I am aware about and trying to handle.

The technical back-end documentation of the STAERK project has been build with PhpDocumentor and will be up shortly.

For any interest into the project, one would have to contact the creator via one of the channels available on this site.

For the End User

For the Site Administrator

For the System Administrator

Server Setup

This will get you up and running with a fresh STAERK project, on a fresh server, in just minutes. Beware that this setup is sort of a bare-minimum server setup. Consult with a system-administrator to further lock down and secure your web server environment.

For the Developer

CLI Build Tool

The STAERK project comes with a build tool, to get you started of with the most common elements in the STAERK back-end, such as models, controllers, traits etc. It will build these core elements based on the early stage decisions for the project, making sure a certain standard is kept and giving you the bare-minimum to easily start writing code from.

The underlying framework a ramble

Trying, with words, to explain the underlying framework of STAERK. It explains a bit further about the MVC Design Pattern used for the project.

The LowLevel Layout

The Directory structure of the STAERK project explained.


The usage of "inline documentation" in the STAERK project, which amongst other helps PhpDocumentor write the technical documentation.


The Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) for database communication in the STAERK project. A secure way, with many options, to communicate with the site specific database. This documentation needs a good ol' re-write, as it has been expanded upon quite a lot since the documentation was written.